What a promising start to a great new series by dynamic author, Cat Johnson!
Jon Rudnick is a career soldier. Ten years being a Navy SEAL has given him his ups and his downs. One of those downs is not being able to have a relationship that will last. In his line of work, it's a tough call. He see his buddies run through the whole rigmarole with their lives and significant others.
From the minute he sees Ali all bets are off. The pair have agreed to have a night of no holds barred sex and call it a day, because neither is ready for a commitment, and Jon will be deployed once again, and who knows what will happen there. Only thing is, after this night together, they can't get thoughts of one another out of their heads.
When there is a crisis situation stateside that involves Ali, Jon jumps in head first to do all he can to save the woman he didn't want to care for, but has become his world.
What a great read to begin with, NIGHT WITH A SEAL is all Cat Johnson. Smoldering and sexy with a brilliant story, Cat weaves her tale with ease. Already in this first look, we have a hold on our awesome characters and their lives. I look forward to each and every story to come with bated breath. I highly recommend NIGHT WITH A SEAL by CAT JOHNSON.
Jon Rudnick is a career soldier. Ten years being a Navy SEAL has given him his ups and his downs. One of those downs is not being able to have a relationship that will last. In his line of work, it's a tough call. He see his buddies run through the whole rigmarole with their lives and significant others.
From the minute he sees Ali all bets are off. The pair have agreed to have a night of no holds barred sex and call it a day, because neither is ready for a commitment, and Jon will be deployed once again, and who knows what will happen there. Only thing is, after this night together, they can't get thoughts of one another out of their heads.
When there is a crisis situation stateside that involves Ali, Jon jumps in head first to do all he can to save the woman he didn't want to care for, but has become his world.
What a great read to begin with, NIGHT WITH A SEAL is all Cat Johnson. Smoldering and sexy with a brilliant story, Cat weaves her tale with ease. Already in this first look, we have a hold on our awesome characters and their lives. I look forward to each and every story to come with bated breath. I highly recommend NIGHT WITH A SEAL by CAT JOHNSON.
Night with a SEAL (Hot SEALs,
Book 1)
by NY Times & USA Today bestselling author Cat Johnson
Ten years of dedication to the Navy taught SEAL Jon Rudnick
one thing—he’s not afraid to risk life and limb for his country. But when
navigating military red tape begins to present more challenges than the enemy
it makes Jon question his future.
So does Alison Cressly, the woman he can’t get out of his
When Ali’s life is threatened and military rules won’t allow
him to intervene, Jon decides it’s time to take back control.
A team of sexy SEALs, a terrorist threat, and an attraction
that can’t be denied . . . it all comes together in this launch of the new Hot SEALs romantic suspense series from New
York Times and USA Today bestselling contemporary
romance author Cat Johnson. And look for Saved
by a SEAL (Hot SEALs, Book 2)!
Website http://catjohnson.net/
Newsletter bit.do/CatsNews
Twitter https://twitter.com/cat_johnson
Cat Johnson is a NY Times & USA
Today bestselling author of contemporary romance. A
self-proclaimed promo ‘ho, she is known for her creative marketing and research
practices. Consequently, Cat has sponsored bull riding rodeo cowboys, owns an
entire collection of cowboy boots and camouflage shoes for book signings and a
fair number of her consultants wear combat or cowboy boots for a living.
As a hybrid author, she writes both full length and shorter
works and is currently contracted for series with publishers Kensington and
Email : cat@catjohnson.net
Excerpt #1: G-rated

The glare of the sun bounced off
the hood as Jon steered his truck to the curb and parallel parked in front of
his buddy’s place. Cutting the engine, he evaluated the house through the dark
lenses of his sunglasses. It was nice for a rental. He’d definitely lived in
worse. They all had.
He stepped out of the
air-conditioned cab of the vehicle and pocketed the keys. It was hot outside,
but not unbearable considering it was summer in Virginia. He’d take sunny and
high eighties any day rather than the hundred-and-twenty degrees Fahrenheit
that would be waiting for him in Afghanistan.
Jon moved around to open the
passenger door and grab the cold eighteen-pack from the floor. It was going to
be a good day. He had cold beer, good friends and Rick had promised them some
tasty barbecue.
Best of all, he was actually
stateside for a holiday. It was only Fourth of July—not one of the big days
like Thanksgiving or Christmas, both of which he’d spent deployed last year—but
it was a federal holiday so officially it counted.
He made his way up the short path
to the front door and, case of beer in his hands, hit the doorbell with his
It was a nice change, walking up
to a door in daylight and ringing the bell rather than creeping through the
dark wearing night vision goggles and blowing the lock. It was the little
things such as being able to approach a door and not have to dodge automatic
gunfire that a man grew to appreciate after a decade of combat deployments.
The door swung wide and all
six-foot-five of Rick Mann’s hulking frame filled the opening. Built like a
linebacker, Rick always had made Jon—whose six-foot-two-inch frame was lean
muscle rather than bulk—feel small.
“Dude, good to see you.” Jon held
the beer with his left arm and clasped right hands with his former teammate.
“You too. I never thought I’d say
this, but I actually miss seeing that smartass face of yours all hours of the
day and night.” Rick grinned and stepped back to let Jon inside the front door
of the house. “Come on in. The party’s going to be around back on the deck.”
As Rick led the way through the
house, Jon glanced around him. It wasn’t huge, but it was neat and comfortable.
A big flat-screen TV hung on one wall of the living room. Just past the living
room furniture was an island lined with stools and a decent sized kitchen with
appliances that looked to be fairly new.
Except for an overabundance of
floral throw pillows covering the sectional sofa and the room’s two upholstered
chairs—a clear sign Rick lived with a female—a man could be very happy kicking
back here.
Jon tipped up his chin and called
a greeting to Rick’s sister Darci in the kitchen. With a phone pressed to her
ear, she smiled and wiggled her fingers in a wave.
“Nice digs,” Jon said as he
skirted around a dining table and chair on his way to the sliding glass doors.
Rick let out a huff. “Thanks.”
He’d sounded less than
enthusiastic and as Rick glanced over his shoulder, Jon saw his scowl. “What’s
the face for? I meant it.”
Rick made a face again. “You know
this is Darci’s place.”
“Yeah. So?” Jon asked. “It’s
still nice.”
“I just never thought I’d be
living with family at this point in my life. Moving in with my little sister is
barely a step up from moving back home with my parents.”
“Hey, it’s not a big deal.” Jon
shrugged. “You only got out a couple of months ago. And it didn’t make sense to
buy your own place while you were active duty.”
Rick’s brow rose. “You bought
“Yup.” Jon nodded. “And I’m there
less than half the months of the year, but even so, the bills still keep coming
every damn month, so who’s the smart one here? You are.”
It had made sense for Rick to
live in the bachelor quarters on base for the months their squad was stateside,
and then just move his stuff into storage for the months they were deployed. It
would be logical for Jon to do the same, except that he rarely did what was
Besides, Jon liked coming home to
a turnkey condo that was all his. It was far better than being at the mercy of
base housing, which had left more than a few guys without a room after
returning home from deployment. Real nice welcome home, that.
Team members without family in
the area usually crashed on Jon’s sofa until a room became available for them.
Sometimes it took a few days, sometimes a couple of weeks, but Jon didn’t mind
the company. At this point, he and the guys spent so much time together he was
more comfortable being with them than apart.
“I guess.” Rick continued to look
miserable as he yanked open the sliding glass door leading onto the back deck.
Rick was obviously experiencing
the grass-is-always-greener syndrome. Jon had seen it before. Guys who were in
the military dreamed about getting out, while at the same time guys who’d
gotten out lamented about how much better things were when they’d been in.
SEALs were no different than any
regular Joe in that respect.
“I’ve got a cooler full of ice in
the shade under the tree. You can put the beer in there.” Rick tipped his head
toward the cooler and then reached to raise the cover on a stainless steel
barbecue grill. “I gotta check the ribs real quick.”
“Sounds good.”
Ribs. That explained the
tantalizing scent he’d smelled wafting from the closed grill when they’d
stepped outside. Jon sniffed the meat-laden air as he made his way down the
steps and across the lawn.
The yard was nice. Small enough
to be easy to keep up, but private thanks to a fence and some well-placed
landscaping. So far, Jon saw nothing for Rick to be complaining about. Living
here, Rick should be a lot happier than he appeared to be. But to each his own.
Kneeling in the grass, Jon paused
while tearing open the cardboard case. He breathed in the scent of freshly
mowed lawn that hit him now that he was away from the smoke of the grill.
Never mind taking time to smell
the roses, after spending so much time in the desert even just the sight of a
patch of lush green grass could stop Jon in his tracks. He ran his hands over
the shorn blades and felt them tickle his palm. It might be one of the last opportunities
he’d have to appreciate things like backyard grass.
The squad couldn’t tell anyone
the exact timing, but barring any last minute changes Jon’s unit would be
heading back to the sandbox next week to spend the remainder of the year in the
war zone.
Summer in Afghanistan sucked. But
then again, so did winter . . . and the rainy season . . . and fighting season.
Jon had to think that Rick didn’t
know how good he had it.
Catching himself in a
grass-is-always-greener moment, he focused back on his task—stowing the beer in
the ice.
Excerpt #2 rated PG:
Jon’s stare caught hers. Ali held
it for longer than was proper for accidental eye contact. Feeling her cheeks
heat, she yanked her gaze away.
“Holy shit. Look at the time.
It’s almost midnight.” Rick’s announcement pulled Ali out of wallowing in her
She glanced at the screen on the
muted television and saw the countdown had begun. The numbers on the screen
said it was thirty seconds to midnight.
“I’m ready to toast to the end of
this shitty year.” Thom raised his glass.
“Your divorce. My knee surgery.
I’m right there with you, man. It was a shit year.” Rick held up his own short
glass of liquor and Ali realized all the guys had abandoned drinking beer and
settled on just the hard stuff.
“We’re all on the right side of
the dirt, aren’t we?” Chris asked. He raised his glass to Thom and then to
Rick. “Divorce and knee surgery aside, we’re all standing here together, safe
and whole. If this was a shit year, I hope next year is just as shitty.”
“Amen to that.” Darci’s soft
declaration came from closer to Ali than she’d expected.
Unexpectedly choked up at the
words and the meaning behind them, Ali turned and clinked her glass to Darci’s.
The giant numbers had continued
flashing on the television during Chris’s speech until the guests echoed the
countdown aloud.
“. . . three, two, one.” The room
resonated with a deep, loud, “Happy New Year” that could only be produced by a
team of men used to working together. She laughed when she got a look at the
coordinated toast made by the circle of guys, shoulder to shoulder, glasses
raised high as they all met in the middle.
Then the moment passed. The
circle broke and there was back slapping and hand shakes for everyone.
Chris broke off from the revelry
and made a beeline for Darci.
“I’m not getting screwed out of a
New Year’s kiss.” He tipped his head toward the guys. “They’re all too ugly, so
it’s gotta be you, darlin’.”
Grinning wide, Chris reeled in
Darci with one arm, dipped her deep and gave her a kiss worthy of one of those
corny old black and white movies.
Ali watched, wide-eyed, from not
a foot away. There was quite a lot of intrigue surrounding her. If she wasn’t
mistaken, Chris liked Darci, while Darci was interested in Zane. And Zane
apparently wanted any girl in his phone willing to text him back for a booty
call. It all felt very high school, especially when Ali’s own crush stepped
into her line of vision and her heart began to pound like she was a teenager
Jon put his glass down on the
counter. “Happy New Year.”
She turned to fully face him.
“Happy New Year.”
Not sure exactly what to do—shake
his hand, kiss him on the cheek, kiss him on the lips—she waited for him to
make the first move. And oh, boy, did he make one hell of a move as he palmed
her face, leaned in and crashed his lips against hers.
Jon planted one hell of a kiss,
dead on her mouth, while she stood there with a glass in one hand and uncertain
what to do with the other. As the kiss went on for far longer than a peck, she
reached blindly for him and looped the fingers of her free hand into his
Drawing in a breath through his
nose, Jon moved one leg forward to nestle his thigh between hers. Pressing
closer, he thrust his tongue between her lips.
She felt ridiculous still holding
her glass, but couldn’t see to put it down. It didn’t matter anyway. The sounds
in the room permeated the private bubble Jon’s kiss put her in and reminded her
they were by no means alone. Feeling the erection pressing against her, she wished
they were alone. But the taste of the scotch he’d been drinking was a reminder
that unlike in July, tonight Jon wasn’t sober.
He’d been polite and pleasant but
definitely aloof all night, but now, many drinks later, he was all over her.
There was nothing like some straight alcohol to make a man horny.
Ali pulled back, breaking the
kiss as her mind spun for something to say.
Jon took a step back and dropped
his hold on her. “I’m sorry. That was . . .”
“The holiday? The scotch? The
fact you’re happy to be home and alive.” She smiled. “Really, Jon, it’s all
He laughed and shook his head. “Inappropriate was the word I was going
for, but yeah, the rest of those all apply too.”
She waited. For him to ask her
out. For him to suggest they go somewhere more private. For basically anything.
Jon hooked a thumb toward Rick’s
bedroom door. “I’m gonna go hit the head.”
That was the last thing she’d
expected, but she nodded. “Okay.”
More than just hot men in a uniform by Cat Johnson
get asked the same question a lot—why did I start writing military romance? The
answer is easy. I loved reading military romance. Suzanne Brockmann and Alison
Kent were fixtures on my keeper shelf, so when I got my first romance contract
in 2006, I asked my then editor if I tried my hand at a military romance would
she be interested? Her answer was yes.
was the birth of the Red, Hot, & Blue series that is out with Samhain
Publishing. It started out with a team of SpecOps, but as I began researching
the details for those first stories and came in contact with actual deployed
troops, my ideas and story began to focus more on the tankers, the infantry,
the boots on the ground. And as the war changed, the hot spots moving from
Ramadi, Iraq to the border provinces in the mountains separating Pakistan from
Afghanistan, so did my settings change to reflect the reality and the real
heroes I’d met.
after the conclusion of the Red, Hot & Blue series, I continued to write
military men. Two of the heroes in my Oklahoma Nights series with Kensington
are cowboys, but also active duty Army to pay tribute to those serving.
guess it’s not a surprise then that when author Sharon Hamilton emailed me a
few months ago about a SEAL-themed box set I said yes. The problem was I didn’t
have a SEAL story to contribute. So I wrote one. More than that, I decided if I
was going to do this, I was going all in. I planned a whole new series, HOT
SEALs. I created a logo for the series. I made up covers for the first three
books, and banners and postcards and promo for the series. I wrote book one for
the Hot Alpha SEALs box set and started writing book two, Saved by a SEAL. I’ve
got book one, Night with a SEAL, in paperback and the audiobook in production
and I’m working on getting it translated into foreign language. Needless to say
I’m excited about this new venture in my military romance career.
hope the readers enjoy the journey as much as I do. Step one in my wild ride is
to pick up the HOT ALPHA SEALS Megaset while it’s still 99 cents for the
introductory price. And then if you like what you’ve read, please do pick up
book 2 in my Hot SEALs series, Saved by a SEAL (on preorder now and releasing
September 16th) because in real life and in literature, military men
are hot!
Cat Johnson
RED HOT CHICKEN SALAD in honor of author Cat Johnson’s RED HOT SEALs!
What many people don’t know about me is that I put myself
through college working in food service. I’ve worked for country clubs doing
banquet waitressing and tending bar and I’ve worked for gourmet caterers doing
on site events.
During that time, I always had my nose in the kitchen.
First, because that’s where the food was and on a 15-hour shift, you’re always
looking to shove some food in your face when you have a chance. Also because I
was fascinated in the cooking process. I’ve learned from some of the best, from
pastry chefs, to German-chefs, to a French-trained American chefs. But I
probably learned the most from Paco, the Mexican chef who spent winters in
Mexico and summers at the where I worked country club here in the states.
From Paco I learned how to make homemade refried beans, pico
de gayo, guacamole, and the best damn (and hottest) tomato salad I’ve ever
had. I also learned a valuable
lesson--how to take yesterday’s leftovers and create something fabulous and
totally different to serve to the staff for family meal. I take it as a
challenge to make my leftovers at home resemble nothing like what they started
life as, and below is one of those recipes I created to do exactly that. It
transforms boring leftover chicken, and with a nod toward one of my favorite
bar foods—Buffalo chicken wings—makes a plain tossed salad something
tantalizing and spicy.
Cat Johnson
1 cup leftover cooked chicken, sliced to bite-sized pieces
1 Tb Butter
2 Tb Hot Sauce (such as Frank’s
Red Hot)
Carrots, chopped
Celery, chopped
Grape Tomatoes, whole
Your favorite prepared Blue Cheese dressing
1- In a small saucepan melt butter. Add hot sauce. When
blended, add chicken and heat just until warm.
2- With the remaining ingredients, assemble your salad (in
either individual serving bowls for each person or one large bowl for serving
family style).
3- Place warm chicken pieces on top and serve immediately.
The Book Obsessed Chicks bring you HOT ALPHA SEALS by the dozen!
ALPHA SEALs authors are heating up your summer with the
hottest heroes around—a 12-pack of sizzling Navy SEALs for your reading
pleasure! With new works from 12 New York
Times, USA Today, and award-winning
bestselling authors Anne Elizabeth, Cat Johnson, Cindy Dees, Cristin Harbor, Delilah Devlin, Elle James, Gennita Low, J.M. Madden, P.T. Michelle, Sabrina York, Sharon Hamilton, Teresa Reasor, this limited edition box set is one you don’t
want to miss. And it’s only 99 cents during release week!
Also coming to BN, iBooks, Kobo, and Are
out the Hot Alpha SEALs FB Event Page news
and prizes!
The HOT ALPHA SEALs Megaset includes:
THE KISS OF A SEAL by Award-winning Author Anne Elizabeth —
Jessa Grainger’s world is rocked by the kiss of a SEAL, SO-1 Link Tyler. It
wouldn’t be a problem for an ordinary person, but being a Navy Consultant
working on the Amphibious Base as well as being engaged to a SWCC man make the
situation very sticky.
NIGHT WITH A SEAL (Hot SEALS #1) by New York Times & USA Today bestselling author Cat Johnson —When navigating military red tape begins to present more challenges than the enemy, it makes SEAL Jon Rudnick question his future. So does Alison Cressly, the one woman he can’t get out of his head.
HOT BAYOU SEAL by Award-winning author Cindy Dees — SEAL Ford Alambeaux is a busted up SEAL on his way out of the teams. Trina Zarkos is being tossed out of SEAL training like every other female candidate…until they’re thrown together on a way off-book mission to see if she can play with the big boys or not.
NIGHT WITH A SEAL (Hot SEALS #1) by New York Times & USA Today bestselling author Cat Johnson —When navigating military red tape begins to present more challenges than the enemy, it makes SEAL Jon Rudnick question his future. So does Alison Cressly, the one woman he can’t get out of his head.
HOT BAYOU SEAL by Award-winning author Cindy Dees — SEAL Ford Alambeaux is a busted up SEAL on his way out of the teams. Trina Zarkos is being tossed out of SEAL training like every other female candidate…until they’re thrown together on a way off-book mission to see if she can play with the big boys or not.
DELTA: RETRIBUTION by USA Today bestselling author Cristin Harber — Fallen Navy SEAL and Titan Group’s Delta recruit Trace Reeves wants nothing more than a one-night stand to forget that his twin brother was killed-in-action. But when his one-time fling becomes his high value target, the lines blur between her rescue mission and saving himself.
WATCH OVER ME (An Uncharted SEAL story) by New York Times
and USA Today bestselling author Delilah Devlin — Deke Warrick’s unsanctioned
detail is to keep tabs on a congressman’s niece while she vacations in the
Caribbean. He’s determined to keep his distance, from the beautiful Nicky
Martir—until she’s snatched from their hotel room.
SEAL'S OBSESSION (A Take No Prisoners story) by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Elle James — Mission: Halt pirate activities off the coast of Honduras. SEAL TEAM 10's Jack Fischer goes undercover as a deck hand on a medical boat where he finds himself falling for the dedicated Dr. Natalie Rhoades.
The SEAL (a Sex, Lies & Spies novella) by USA Today bestselling author Gennita Low — Mari Lords is tasked by her father to steal the seal that is an important clue in a round-the-world treasure hunt called The Game. When her opportunity comes during a party, she finds another kind of SEAL, Angel Marcello.
UNBREAKABLE SEAL by USA Today bestselling author J.M. Madden — Maxwell Tate fights against a psychotic dream world, until he no longer knows what’s real. Lacey Adams knows she can’t save all of her cases, but can she salvage the unbreakable SEAL?
MISTER BLACK A Billionaire SEAL Story, Part 1 (In the Shadows) by Award-winning author P.T. Michelle —He is Black: a deadly enforcer and masterful seducer. I am Red: a justice bleeder and willing participant. When our secrets converge in a passionate encounter, stepping out of the shadows just might be worth the risk.
STONE HARD SEAL by Award-winning author Sabrina York —When Ryder “Stone” Maddox’s meets Lily Wilson—a senator’s daughter who is definitely off-limits—he’s determined to keep his distance, despite her irresistible allure. But Lily has plans of her own…to put his heart of stone to the test.
SEAL'S OBSESSION (A Take No Prisoners story) by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Elle James — Mission: Halt pirate activities off the coast of Honduras. SEAL TEAM 10's Jack Fischer goes undercover as a deck hand on a medical boat where he finds himself falling for the dedicated Dr. Natalie Rhoades.
The SEAL (a Sex, Lies & Spies novella) by USA Today bestselling author Gennita Low — Mari Lords is tasked by her father to steal the seal that is an important clue in a round-the-world treasure hunt called The Game. When her opportunity comes during a party, she finds another kind of SEAL, Angel Marcello.
UNBREAKABLE SEAL by USA Today bestselling author J.M. Madden — Maxwell Tate fights against a psychotic dream world, until he no longer knows what’s real. Lacey Adams knows she can’t save all of her cases, but can she salvage the unbreakable SEAL?
MISTER BLACK A Billionaire SEAL Story, Part 1 (In the Shadows) by Award-winning author P.T. Michelle —He is Black: a deadly enforcer and masterful seducer. I am Red: a justice bleeder and willing participant. When our secrets converge in a passionate encounter, stepping out of the shadows just might be worth the risk.
STONE HARD SEAL by Award-winning author Sabrina York —When Ryder “Stone” Maddox’s meets Lily Wilson—a senator’s daughter who is definitely off-limits—he’s determined to keep his distance, despite her irresistible allure. But Lily has plans of her own…to put his heart of stone to the test.
SEAL’S PROMISE by New York Times and USA Today bestselling
author Sharon Hamilton —Navy SEAL T.J. Talbot, SEAL Team 3's bad boy, makes a
deathbed promise to protect and care for his fallen buddy's wife and child. The
only problem is, she hates him.
BREAKING TIES (a SEAL Team Heartbreakers story) by bestselling author Teresa Reasor — Navy SEAL Oliver Shaker is blindsided when he learns that not only does his wife, Selena, have a life-threatening illness, but she’s also pregnant. Can the SEAL code he follows see them through?
BREAKING TIES (a SEAL Team Heartbreakers story) by bestselling author Teresa Reasor — Navy SEAL Oliver Shaker is blindsided when he learns that not only does his wife, Selena, have a life-threatening illness, but she’s also pregnant. Can the SEAL code he follows see them through?
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