Bad Wolfe On The Rise by Sarah Hegger
Publication date: September 6th, 2016
Genre: Historical Romance
A woman from his future
will unlock the key to his past.
Oliver Fitzwilliam lives to wreak his revenge on William De Wolfe. Raising his sword to kill the man who has caused such horror in his life, Oliver finds himself wrenched eight hundred years forward into the future. Now he must find his sword, get back home and complete his revenge. Only one thing stands in his way, the beautiful Doctor Laura Rose.
Laura Rose is completing the final eight months of her hated internship at Deer Fallows Home for the Mentally Unstable. Patient Oliver Fitizwilliam disturbs her on so many levels, and when he is up for release, Laura fights to keep him contained. Oliver is too clever, his responses too pat for her to believe he is no longer a danger to himself and everyone around him.
In a battle for possession of the time-traveling sword, Oliver and Laura find themselves propelled back into the past. Now Laura must fight not only to find her way home, but to keep Oliver from taking a life and the subsequent regrets. Trapped together, their simmering chemistry ignites in a recipe for disaster that needs to traverse eight hundred years to find their happily ever after.
Oliver Fitzwilliam lives to wreak his revenge on William De Wolfe. Raising his sword to kill the man who has caused such horror in his life, Oliver finds himself wrenched eight hundred years forward into the future. Now he must find his sword, get back home and complete his revenge. Only one thing stands in his way, the beautiful Doctor Laura Rose.
Laura Rose is completing the final eight months of her hated internship at Deer Fallows Home for the Mentally Unstable. Patient Oliver Fitizwilliam disturbs her on so many levels, and when he is up for release, Laura fights to keep him contained. Oliver is too clever, his responses too pat for her to believe he is no longer a danger to himself and everyone around him.
In a battle for possession of the time-traveling sword, Oliver and Laura find themselves propelled back into the past. Now Laura must fight not only to find her way home, but to keep Oliver from taking a life and the subsequent regrets. Trapped together, their simmering chemistry ignites in a recipe for disaster that needs to traverse eight hundred years to find their happily ever after.
brilliant blue sky stretched above the crowd. Oliver turned his face up to the
sun’s warm caress. A beautiful day to die. De Wolfe’s men would not let him
escape once it was done. Purpose coursed hot and strong through his veins.
Finally, he stood ready. Strong enough to challenge the mighty de Wolfe and
Wolfe! Wolfe!” More voices joined the swelling chorus welcoming their hero
home. Folk hung over the ramparts of Questing Castle, straining to catch a
glimpse of the man they adored.
“See how
he rides ahead of the men?” Mother stood on her toes, clawing his forearm as
she whispered in his ear. “He believes no one can conquer him. Such is his
overweening arrogance. Do you see?”
He put
precious inches between him and Mother’s needy clinging. It stifled him, made
the breath tighten in his throat. Like too-tight swaddling her need wrapped
around him. Knowing what she required of him, he stood ready and resolved. “You
should not be here.”
else would I be?” She frowned. Year after year she brought him here in
preparation for the day he would exact their revenge.
As he led
his small column of men through the throng of villagers, William de Wolfe, the
people’s savior, their precious soldier-god and hero sat astride his destrier
like he and the beast were of one mind. People reached out to brush de Wolfe,
believing that a mere touch would afford them protection.
Would they
still chant their worship if they knew de Wolfe had tried to kill his own
“He is so
tall.” Giggling, a girl grabbed her friend’s arm. “They say he is so handsome a
maid would swoon at the sight of him.”
If they
hung about de Wolfe they would not remain maids for long. Murderer of babes,
defiler of maids, cruel, vicious brute. So mired in the lure of de Wolfe’s foul
magic, would they believe if he told them?
Above the
crowd noise rode a woman’s shrill scream. “I love you, de Wolfe.”
bright, Mother’s gaze darted this way and that. Her cheeks bore a high flush as
she pressed the cold steel hilt of the sword into his hand. “It is time.”
pommel, so familiar in his hands, warmed to his touch. Driving him forward, the
sword sang in his blood, Oliver pushed through a knot of de Wolfe’s blind
yourself.” A man turned and snarled. Wide-eyed, he stepped out of Oliver’s way,
tugging another with him.
chanting died down. Carrying Oliver with them, the crowd surged closer to de
in his full armor, de Wolfe dismounted, and removed his helmet. Sunlight struck
his dark hair as he glanced about.
Enter to win a Kindle Fire pre-loaded with all of the World
of de Wolfe Pack Amazon Kindle Worlds re-launch books. That’s seventeen amazing
stories ready to read when you get your Kindle in the mail! You’ll find
incredible authors with books of Time-Travel, Highlander, Conquest England,
Regency, and Contemporary Romance just to name a few. This prize covers all of
the bases of Historical Romance and more.
Born British and raised in South Africa, Sarah
Hegger suffers from an incurable case of wanderlust. Her match? A hot Canadian
engineer, whose marriage proposal she accepted six short weeks after they first
met. Together they’ve made homes in seven different cities across three
different continents (and back again once or twice). She currently lives in
Utah with her husband, two daughters, and two Golden Retrievers.
Website: http://sarahhegger.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarahheggerauthor
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