Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Caught By A Cowboy (Cameron Ranch) by Felice Fox Q&A AND GIVEAWAY!!!

Luke and Lita have been together a year and both are eager to cement that relationship with a marriage, but Luke wants Lita to prove her love for him in a rather unconventional way. On the anniversary of their first kiss, Luke and Lita head to a bar to find that one thing that has been missing in their lives. Luke is hot to watch his girlfriend  have mind-blowing sex with another man of her choice, a stranger she will choose who must have certain requirements before Luke is in accord with their little adventure. 

When Lita finds just the candidate for their erotic escapade, what happens in the cabin they have chosen for their adventure is a definite eye opener and a very sexy slice of life between two people who in their own way have committed themselves to one another in a very unorthodox way.

After reading this very sexy short story I was in definite need of a cold shower. It's a very sultry scene of impressive proportions and I most certainly want more!


Welcome to Book Obsessed Chicks and thank you for answering my questions.

Thank you so much for having me!

1.            Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?

I'm a big fan of bluegrass and country music (though a terrible line dancer), and a lover of all things woodsy and romantic. Hold Me Together, my first Cameron Ranch story, was an Amazon #1 bestseller and Hot New Release. It has been described as a “danger to panties everywhere” (Herding Cats & Burning Soup) and “not for the faint of heart” (Fresh Fiction). My fiction debut, Take Me for Longing, has been an Amazon bestseller since it’s release in 2012 and my second title, It’s Just Sext, became an instant Amazon #1 bestseller.

2.            When and how did you know you wanted to be a writer?

When I was in first grade, my teacher gave me a copy of Where the Sidewalk Ends and told me she saw a poet in me. So, I guess I must have know then. When I was ten, I caught the kissing disease and spent a month in bed daydreaming. The stories I imagined were always romances, though it was a few more years before I had the courage to write them down.

3.            Tell us about your upcoming work?

I'm currently working on the 4th and 5th titles in the Cameron Ranch series. Next up is Dark Lashes (Abel's story), and McKenna's story (title to be determined--got any ideas? ;-))

4.            Do you have any mentors? Heroes?

Yes! I'm truly blessed to have been mentored by both Roz Lee and Eden Bradley. They are incredibly talented authors and great friends.

5.            Can you tell us your favorite character from your books so far and why?

Yes! Abel Cameron is my favorite. He's dark, deep and delicious. Of all the Cameron brothers, he's the most conflicted and hardest to love. He gives in to his depravity, body and soul, and takes first Holly, and then Talia with him...And all the while I wish it were me. ;-)

6.            Was it difficult for you to get published?

I'd been a software and web producer for 15 years before my first book was published. I felt I knew how to put a product and team together, so indie publishing was an easy decision for me. It's tricky being the creative person and the producer/project manager, but I'm very fortunate to have an amazing editor, graphic artists and devoted beta readers on my team.

7.            Who are your favorite authors/reads?

Lorelei James is my favorite! I got to meet her last year and had a complete fan girl melt down moment in which I cried and she hugged me. She's awesome.

8.            Hobbies?

Like most of you, top of my list is reading! I like to run and just spend time in cafes people-watching (I know that's not exactly a hobby, but it's what I do most when I'm not writing.).

9.            What is your dream job?

Romance novelist!

10.          Do you have any favorite TV shows?

I'm still in love with 30 Rock--that's my go-to show to watch while I'm on the treadmill. I just finished consuming Sons of Anarchy (hm, I might need to go back up to that hobby question and add 'drooling over Charlie Hunnam to my answer).

11.          What’s next for you?

I have a few more titles to finish in the Cameron Ranch series. I'm fascinated by open or "monogamish" relationships, so I'll continue to explore the way couples re-define commitment and the happily-ever-after in future titles.

12.          Where can we find you?




13.          What would you like readers to know about you?

I love connecting with readers and hearing about what you love and want to read next. Also, I could always use a buddy to go to the rodeo or bull riding events with me, so if you're in town, message me! And thank you so much for checking out my naughty little love stories!



  1. I love learning of new authors and new books to add to my library. It was lovely "meeting" you today!

  2. There is nothing more exciting to a reader than finding a new authors. Thanks for the interview and letting us get to know you!

  3. Caught by a Cowboy sounds hot!! Nice interview can't wait to read your book.

  4. Enjoyed the interview. This story sounds hot.

  5. New author to me thanks for the intro Kimberly. The book sounds good.

  6. Thank you all so much for stopping by! I'm excited for you to check out these Cameron boys. Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families! xoxo

  7. Ooos Felice! It sounds fab :D I do love your boys :)

  8. You are a new to me author and I must say I will definitely be checking out your books!
